Disciples stress freedom and diversity - -
but most do share these beliefs:
What do we believe?
The Bible
is the guide for Christian living and faith and truly reveals God's purpose in the world: to free us from sin through Christ.
revealed in the Bible and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
the Son of God; part of God's own divinity, yet fully human; our Savior, with us always.
Public Confession
of belief in Christ and repenting of sins; acceptance of Jesus into our lives.
off all Christians in love of Christ. Doctrines and human differences should not be allowed to divide believers from each other.
Inclusive Ministry
in the life and work of the church. ALL members are "ministers" - entitled to interpret the Scriptures and perform church functions.
is an act by which a believer enters into the church universal.
Baptism is by immersion in water - the accepted New Testament practice.
The Lord's Supper
is the heart of worship.
Communion is celebrated every Sunday as a remembrance of Christ and Christ's life on earth.